Vlad Petreanu's whores and slums

It all started from a friend's reaction, Silvia Dumitru.

Silvia Dumitru.
„Io’ mi-s „swerf”-istă retrogradă, ncsf, yes, does anyone know where all the woke feminists in the country have disappeared to explain to us that you can be a slum without being a whore and a respectable whore without being a slum? I have my pen and notebook ready.
E festival de ieri încontinuu…”
It was a comment on Vlad Petreanu's post
„Am ajuns, deci, and at this point in our existence: a whore and a shanty spit and curse in the street, unpunished, an exceptional doctor and hospital manager, returned to the country to at least de-mudge Romania a little."
His indignation was triggered by the dismissal of Secretary of State Andreea Moldovan.

A professional returned to the country to fight for clean hospitals leaves to the howls of dirty mouths (republica.ro)

Answer from a feminist
I declare myself a whore and a slumlord! Cu a doua mă descurc, with the first it is more difficult. Now even street bullies have a reduced schedule. Bănuiesc că toate feministele se vor declara și ele curve și mahalagioaice! Dar domnul respectiv trebuie sa se declare demis și dispărut din mass media!

What was it about?:

Well yes, dacă noi în epoca asta ne mândrim cu curățenie și carantină ca în Evul mediu, and, it's something! The second was not really in Europe then, but the first was then invented. So all we can achieve is cleaning and quarantine! That's cool! That's what he learned in Switzerland! E, whores and shanties can do much more! I mean treatments! E prea mult pentru doamna care se mândrește cu o bursă în afară în acea epocă. Noroc că mai sunt oameni care știu cum se obținea așa ceva! The prime minister did all his studies abroad, it's stronger than that! Trebuie să-l respectăm mai mult!
Below is a material of what is happening in Texas with the infections. The governor there seems to be a whore and a slumlord!
The article is from yesterday. From the title you can see what the situation is. Texas are 30 millions of inhabitants. They died there yesterday 64 of people. In our country, how many times have they died? Not everyone is vaccinated with them either, that is, only one fifth are vaccinated with both doses. For a month they have opened everything, and the mask is no longer mandatory.
But there is a major difference: colchicine (proposed by a whore and slumlord from us since March last year, but without success, but proven effective and approved including in Greece) and ivermectin (about which a whore and squatter of Romanian origin from the States spoke) it is used in covid (local source). Very likely other substances as well, such as a steroid used in asthma. There are still traces of liberalism there, and medicine is still a profession with traces of liberalism. Hygiene, i.e. preserving health, it means more than cleanliness.

Texas coronavirus cases haven’t surged since governor lifted mask order | The Texas Tribune

”Deaths and hospitalizations, which lag new cases, have seen steeper drops since March 10. The seven-day average of new daily deaths was 187 on March 10; it was 64 on Tuesday. There were 4,556 Texans hospitalized with the virus on March 10; there were 3,002 on Tuesday.”
Let's compare with what happens here, where the population is smaller...
And, as history shows, liberalism in science and politics helps progress. Secretary of State Andreea Moldovan stopped with history in the Middle Ages, she is very nostalgic about that time. And his lordship's fans, the same. Dezavuez limbajul cu care i s-a adresat criticii domniei sale. În ce mă privește mă abțin să o numesc „piloasă obtuză”. Pe Vlad Petreanu vreau să-l numesc „dispărut din mass media”!

covid 19 in texas – Bing
COVID-19 death rates by state: April 14 (beckershospitalreview.com)
